by Mary Nguyen | Accredited Investor, Real Estate Investing, Sophisticated Investor
Once you decide to invest outside your local area, the possibilities are limitless, which can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Rather than diving down endless research rabbit holes, start by assessing your personal investing goals. Here are 10 key factors to...
by Mary Nguyen | Passive Income, Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Syndication, Sophisticated Investor
As a new investor, you’re probably excited about (and maybe a little overwhelmed by) the wide range of investment opportunities available in the real estate investment world. But when you start digging in and realize that some deals are only available to specific...
by Mary Nguyen | Accredited Investor, Sophisticated Investor
Once you decide to dive into the real estate investing world, it won’t be long before you hear the term “Accredited Investor.” You’ll start to notice how many passive commercial real estate or crowdfunded investment opportunities are publicly advertised and therefore...